Looking for New Customers? Let your Blog do the Talking

There’s no escaping the blogging phenomenon – you’re reading an example of it right now. But blogs aren’t just another form of expression for would-be writers; they’re a vital component of online marketing.

Blogs are a great way to share valuable information, raise brand awareness and develop stronger relationships with your audiences. That’s why your marketing efforts would go a lot further if you add a blog to the mix.

Why should I Start a Blog?

Businesses that aren’t blogging find it harder to drive traffic and build a reliable customer base. If you’re one of those companies, here are three key reasons why a blog would turn things around:

Website Traffic:  Blogs lead to more web content, which leads to higher search engine rankings and thus a better chance of being found by potential customers.

A Strong Brand:  As you write about topics related to your business, you start to develop a reputation as an expert in your field. Over time, that reputation starts to spread, and soon people are seeking out your expertise.

Customer Value: People read your blogs for all sorts of reasons: how-to advice, news and updates, product reviews and recommendations, etc. This is a value to them, which reinforces their loyalty to your company.

How do I Run a Successful Blog?

Like any other marketing channel, your blog takes time and effort. You can’t just post a new article every now and then; you have to plan what you write, when, how and for whom. Make it happen in three steps.

Develop a Blog Strategy

If you define the focus of your blog, you’ll know what type of content to add to it. If you’re writing about cookware, are you sharing industry news? Offering buying or cooking advice? Or will you review green cookware and other related products? Knowing what you want to write about makes it easier to write it.

Update it Regularly

The only way to keep your blog relevant is to keep the content fresh. Writing once a month causes readers to drift away to newer content; conversely, daily blogging can dilute the quality and relevance of the blog. Most blogs update their entries at least once a week to ensure readers constantly stay engaged and learn something new.

Make it Relevant

Readers come to your blog to learn something, so make sure they do. Stay focused on your blog’s perspective, since that’s what readers are looking for. Keep the topics relevant, and add keywords throughout each entry to attract new readers. Allow readers to offer feedback that might prompt new ideas for future blog entries.

Write your Way to Marketing Success!

Blogs are a great way to connect your business to your target audiences. If you want to find more customers and build greater loyalty, get your blog up and running.

Choosing an Internet Marketing Company

WebFest: Plan your SEO strategy on time - Nedim Sabic from Netshake GmbH

Unless your website is search engine optimized, chances are you’ll have some trouble drawing traffic. Here’s what you need to know to drive visitors to your site – and how to convert those visitors to customers.


What SEO Services Do

When your site traffic is low, you need better content and analytics. Effective content announces your website’s presence with authority—meaning, establishes you as a leader in your industry. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling services or products: content matters.


Content—whether a blog, a landing page or article—should incorporate the keywords that people who want to do business in your industry are searching for. Because Google assigns search rankings to site pages, the higher quality your content is, the higher it will rank. And the higher it ranks, the more customers will visit your site.


Analytics are the back end of the content experience. Work with a web marketing professional who understands what people in your industry are searching for and how often your site visitors converted to customers. When you want to know what content turns a visitor to a customer, analytics have the answer.


Selecting a Reputable Company

Because the website optimization industry is booming, there are several companies from which to choose. Unfortunately, many so-called “experts” are anything but. As a result, choose your SEO services company wisely.


Web optimization is time consuming and expensive, so be wary of companies that charge seemingly small monthly fees. They may not spend the time or have the experience required to get your website the exposure it needs.  Worse, they may jam your content with so many backlinks and keywords—called “stuffing”—that search engines may actually penalize your website by labeling it as spam.


In addition, be wary of companies that claim they can get you number-one rankings on Google or other popular search engines. Reputable Internet marketing companies aren’t afraid to demonstrate what they can—and can’t—do. They should also be willing to provide references from current happy customers.


Going Forward

Remember that just like your products, your website is a living thing. You must continue to refresh your content just as you would your inventory of products or services. That’s why analytics is key to the back end—without knowing how customer tastes shift, how can you tell what to offer as a product or service?


When you develop a relationship with a professional Internet marketing company, it’s easier to keep your business’s page rank high. And because consumers don’t have the time or the inclination to search through page after page of search results, high page rank is essential.

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