PC Mag - App Store Wars Infographic

  • SumoMe

The App Store Wars infographic was literally my very first infographic that I ever became a part of, and from that day, I knew I would love my job.  Really influential content marketing isn’t something every marketing firm has mastered.  There are still only a few companies that have managed to perform well in the niche, outside of the boutique firms that produce only one style of content.  Sure infographic link bait has been around for a LONG time, and the market has become relatively saturated, but that has made content marketers produce even higher quality content.

Now firms have to focus on finding the perfect harmony between meeting the interests of consumers and the ability for an infographic to cut through all of the clutter.  More than ever, internet marketing is requiring the true skills of a marketer and the eye of an advertiser.   I strongly feel that the days are numbered for just a couple of computer programmers doing well in SEO.  It requires another skillset and training, that not the average webmaster holds.  SEOs need to embrace the changing tides of the Google algorithm and really focus on building content that is marketable, and treat the SERPs more as an online  market share.

And for our first infographic, this was an amazingly successful one.  We managed to provide a unique experience for readers, relate to multiple niches, and as a result, the link building happened organically.

How did I analyze this infographic as a success?  Well here are some of the factors that branded the App Store Wars in Infographic Stardom.

  • Gained and produced over 100 back links.
  • Received over 30,000 views.
  • Links from Authority Sites such as PC Mag (DA of  93).
  • Was even hosted on the official StarWars.com website!
  • Over 5,000 social shares!

Finally, our App Store Wars infographic has remained the Top All Time infographic to be posted Reddit’s history, and has by double the votes!


 Here’s a look at the full infographic we posted!

Store Wars: A Mobile App Store Infographic

Infographic by WebpageFX

A couple of places that shared the infographic:

PC Mag | Digital Buzz | iDownloadBlog | WebProNews | State of Search

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Shane Jones is a Senior Social Outreach Specialist with management roots in online PR. A strong proponent for the power of personal, "humanized," digital collaboration, Shane shares his opinions and knowledge on Social Outreach and Digital Marketing. Additionally he blogs about his life's adventures, as he continues to "Empty his Bucket." He's always on the lookout for more bucket list ideas. Follow me on Twitter @ShaneJones15, Google +, and LinkedIn.